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A11yAudit Logo



A health-check service for your website covering performance, SEO, design, user experience and accessibility.

Website Builder
Design Generators

Date Added: April 16, 2024

Further Information

A11yAudit is a health-check service for your website that covers various aspects such as performance, SEO, design, user experience, and accessibility. By entering your URL, A11yAudit performs non-AI and AI tests on your live domain to identify areas for improvement. The tool provides detailed feedback and recommendations to enhance the accessibility and overall quality of your website.

Key Features

  • Performance testing
  • SEO analysis
  • Design evaluation
  • User experience assessment
  • Accessibility testing

Use Cases

  • Website owners and administrators who want to ensure their website is optimized for performance, SEO, design, user experience, and accessibility.
  • Digital agencies and developers who need to evaluate and improve the websites they create for clients
  • Businesses and organizations that aim to provide an inclusive and accessible online presence
  • Individuals and teams involved in website maintenance and optimization
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