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A platform for hiring remote software developers using AI technology.

starts from $399/mo
Human Resources

Date Added: October 14, 2023

Further Information

Arc is an AI-powered platform that simplifies the process of hiring remote software developers. It offers businesses the flexibility to choose between full-time or freelance developers, and efficiently matches them with the most suitable candidates from a diverse talent pool of over 250,000 engineers worldwide. With Arc, companies can save time and effort, reduce bias in the hiring process, and achieve better hiring outcomes.

Key Features

  • Efficient Hiring: Easily identify top candidates without the need for extensive manual screening.
  • Improved Precision: Automatically match relevant profiles for more successful hiring results.
  • Fair Evaluation: Reduce bias and ensure consistent candidate assessment.
  • Simplified Hiring: Enhance the candidate experience by streamlining the hiring process.

Use Cases

  • Time-Saving Hiring: Companies looking to hire remote software developers can save time by using Arc's AI tool to identify the most suitable candidates from a global pool of over 250,000 developers. This eliminates the need for extensive manual screening and outreach, allowing businesses to quickly find the best-matched candidates.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Arc's AI technology ensures that companies can automatically identify relevant profiles for better hiring outcomes. This means that businesses can make more informed decisions when it comes to hiring remote software developers.
  • Bias Reduction: By evaluating candidates using consistent criteria, Arc reduces bias in the hiring process. This ensures that companies can evaluate candidates fairly and consistently, regardless of their background or personal characteristics.
  • Streamlined Hiring: Arc simplifies the hiring process, improving the overall candidate experience. This means that companies can attract top talent and build a strong team of remote software developers more efficiently.
  • Diverse Talent Pool: With access to a diverse pool of engineers worldwide, covering a wide range of technical skills, companies can find the right talent for their specific needs. This is particularly useful for businesses looking to build a remote development team with a variety of backgrounds and expertise.
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