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AI-Powered Cloud based Platform that ​​ Simplifies Brand Control

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Date Added: April 24, 2023

Further Information

Brndaddo is a brand asset management tool that utilizes the power of AI to ensure consistent brand representation. This tool is designed to streamline the creative process, making it more efficient and effective. With Brndaddo, you can discover, create, collaborate, and control your brand assets in just four simple steps.

One of the key features of Brndaddo is its AI-Smart Search, which allows you to quickly find the right asset, even at a moment's notice. This feature is particularly useful for organizations that have a large number of brand assets to manage.

Another advantage of Brndaddo is its digitized brand guidelines. With the template builder, you can set your brand guidelines and enforce consistency throughout the organization. This ensures that your brand is represented consistently across all channels and touchpoints.

Brndaddo also offers one-click approvals, which allows for real-time collaboration without the need for trail mails or chasing managers. This feature streamlines the approvals process, making it faster and more efficient.

User access control is another key feature of Brndaddo. This tool enables you to control who gets access to what kind of privilege while handling different assets, creatives, or files. This ensures that your brand assets are secure and only accessible to authorized personnel.

Overall, Brndaddo is a powerful tool that can help you make the most out of your brand assets while ensuring brand control. Its use cases include enforcing brand guidelines, speeding up the creative process, digitizing brand guidelines for consistent enforcement, streamlining the approvals process, and controlling user access to different assets, creatives, or files.

Key Features

  • AI-Smart Search for quickly finding brand assets
  • Digitized brand guidelines with template builder for consistency
  • One-click approvals for real-time collaboration
  • User access control for secure asset management

Use Cases

  • Marketing and advertising agencies
  • In-house marketing teams
  • Brand managers
  • Graphic designers
  • Social media managers
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