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Your AI powered data analyst providing personalized business metrics and insights through text messaging.

Data Analytics
Business Intelligence

Date Added: May 29, 2024

Further Information

ChatKPI is an AI-powered data analyst designed to streamline business analytics for Shopify business owners. With ChatKPI, you can conveniently text your questions and receive insightful responses, empowering you to make data-driven decisions to grow your business. It provides features like tracking sales trends, identifying popular products, understanding customer behavior, and generating graphs and custom CSVs. All interactions with ChatKPI can be done through text messaging, making it easy to use and accessible from anywhere. The goal of ChatKPI is to transform the way Shopify business owners access, understand, and apply their data by providing a personalized and intuitive experience.

Key Features

  • Conveniently text your business-related questions and receive insightful responses.
  • Track sales trends and identify popular products.
  • Understand customer behavior through personalized data analysis.
  • Generate graphs and custom CSVs to visualize and export data.
  • Accessible through text messaging for easy use from anywhere.

Use Cases

  • Making data-driven decisions to grow your business.
  • Tracking and optimizing sales performance.
  • Identifying popular products and trends.
  • Understanding customer behavior and preferences.
  • Generating visualizations and reports for data analysis.
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