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Generates job application letters.

Human Resources
General Writing
Open Source
No Signup Required

Date Added: June 10, 2023

Further Information

The CoverLetterGPT AI tool is designed to create personalized and distinctive cover letters by leveraging the user's abilities and knowledge. This simplifies the job hunting process and reduces the amount of time job seekers spend on it.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Cover Letter Generation tool creates personalized cover letters based on user's skills and qualifications
  • Uploaded CV or resumé can be used as a reference point for generating cover letters
  • Customization options include selecting creativity level and adding witty remarks
  • Tool's code is available on GitHub for customization and further development
  • Follow creator @hot_town on Twitter for additional insights and updates

Use Cases

  • Simplifies job search process by generating customized cover letters
  • Saves time by automating cover letter writing process with AI-generated content
  • Allows customization and enhancements through open-source nature of tool
  • Empowers job seekers with efficient and personalized cover letter generation tool
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