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Free performance management software for employee feedback, reviews, and development plans.

Paid plans start from $45/mo
Human Resources
Startup Tools

Date Added: May 23, 2023

Further Information

Effy.ai is a performance management software that simplifies employee feedback, one-on-ones, reviews, and development plans with its user-friendly interface and diverse set of features.

Key Features

  • Simplify performance reviews with pre-built templates and prepared reports
  • Generate heat maps and data-driven insights for comprehensive performance evaluation using comprehensive analytics and AI
  • Access over 20 validated questionnaires created by experts for personalized answers with science-based questionnaires
  • Seamlessly integrate with Slack/MS Teams and customize the performance evaluation system to meet specific requirements with integration and customization options

Use Cases

  • Conduct employee feedback, one-on-ones, reviews, and development plans
  • Streamline performance evaluation processes with analytics and AI-driven insights
  • Create a secure and customizable platform for performance management
  • Experience the benefits of Effy.ai, the free performance management software that simplifies employee feedback, reviews, and development plans
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