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ExamCram official logo - Create personalized study materials from any media...


Create personalized study materials from any media with AI-generated questions.

Screenshot of ExamCram - Create personalized study materials from any media...


Freemium$ 7.90/mo

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Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: January 23, 2023


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What is ExamCram?

The ExamCram application is powered by artificial intelligence and has been specifically developed to assist students in enhancing their study methods.

Key Features and Benefits

  • ExamCram is an AI-powered tool that converts lectures and textbook passages into personalized study materials.
  • It generates flashcards and practice tests with AI-generated questions that focus on key concepts for efficient learning.
  • The tool provides instant feedback and study plans to help students track their progress and improve their grades.
  • ExamCram is exclusively available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad users.
  • It is ideal for high school and college students who want to optimize their study time, learners who want to focus on key concepts and improve their understanding, and educators who want to provide effective study tools to their students.

Use Cases

  • High school and college students can use the optimized study time to improve their academic performance.
  • Learners can focus on key concepts and improve their understanding of the subject matter.
  • Educators can provide students with effective study tools to enhance their learning experience.
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