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GirlfriendGPT - Your personal AI companion



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Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: June 9, 2023


DatingAi Girlfriend

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Enias Cailliau's GirlfriendGPT is an AI experiment that offers a personalized virtual girlfriend experience. This AI tool allows users to customize their virtual companion's personality, voice, and even generate selfies. The tool is integrated with Telegram, allowing users to interact with their AI girlfriend directly through the messaging platform.

Key Features

  • EleventLabs allows for the creation of a custom voice for your AI model, adding a personalized touch to interactions.
  • Integration with Telegram allows for direct communication with your AI companion through a familiar and convenient platform.
  • Personality customization options allow for the AI's traits to be tailored to your preferences, creating a unique virtual companion experience.
  • AI-generated selfies can be requested, adding a visual element to interactions and enhancing immersion.

Use Cases

  • People who desire a virtual girlfriend experience and companionship can benefit from GirlfriendGPT.
  • Users can create a personalized AI companion with a unique personality and voice.
  • Individuals interested in exploring AI-generated interactions and building virtual relationships can use GirlfriendGPT.
  • Developers and enthusiasts can experiment with creating personalized AI companions using GirlfriendGPT.
  • GirlfriendGPT offers tools to create an AI companion that suits the user's needs, whether they are seeking companionship or someone to chat with.
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