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Greip official logo - Greip is a fraud prevention tool designed to prote...


Greip is a fraud prevention tool designed to protect app developers from payment fraud and enhance financial security.

Screenshot of Greip - Greip is a fraud prevention tool designed to prote...


FreemiumPaid plans start from $14.99/mo

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Date Added: July 26, 2023



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What is Greip?

Greip offers a cutting-edge fraud prevention solution that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to assist developers. Its main objective is to protect app transactions and deter payment fraud, thereby guaranteeing the financial safety of enterprises.

Key Features and Benefits

  • AI-Based Fraud Prevention: Uses machine learning to verify app transactions and identify possible fraudulent activities.
  • IP Geolocation Info: Customizes website content according to visitor location and language.
  • Protection Against Anonymous Visitors: Blocks access to the website through VPNs or proxy services.
  • BIN/IIN Validation: Validates customer debit/credit card details based on the first 6 or 8 digits.
  • Country API: Provides detailed information about any country in the world.
  • User Data Validation: Confirms the authenticity and accuracy of user data.

Use Cases

  • App developers and businesses can use Greip to protect their financial security and prevent payment fraud.
  • Companies can enhance the user experience by adapting website content based on visitor location with Greip.
  • Greip can validate and verify customer debit/credit card details for secure transactions.
  • Developers can use Greip's comprehensive fraud prevention tools to ensure the safety of app transactions.
  • Organizations can validate user data and maintain a secure environment for their applications with Greip.
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