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Humane Ai Pin

Humane Ai Pin

Wearable multi-modal AI device designed to assist with everyday tasks.

Starts at $699 - $24/mo
Ai Wearables
Life Assistant

Date Added: April 17, 2024

Further Information

The Humane Ai Pin is a compact wearable device that functions as a personal assistant, capable of handling calls, messaging, answering queries, and capturing moments without the need for manual operation. Designed with privacy in mind, it activates only on command and features a Trust Light to signal recording activities.

Key Features

  • Multi-modal interactions (voice, visuals)
  • Laser projector interface controlled by hand gestures
  • Privacy-focused design with command activation
  • Subscription-based with additional services
  • Stand alone device
  • Ai Assistant
  • Trust Light clearly signals when it’s capturing

Use Cases

  • Information retrieval, and real-time content capturing.
  • First person video capture
  • Taking voice notes on the go with a simple touch
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