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LaMDA is a language model developed by Google Research.

Ai Models

Date Added: April 25, 2024

Further Information

LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) is a language model developed by Google Research. It is built on the Transformer neural network architecture, which was invented and open-sourced by Google Research in 2017. LaMDA is designed to improve conversational skills and enable more natural and engaging human-like interactions with AI systems. The model has undergone extensive pre-training and fine-tuning stages, utilizing a large dataset of 1.56 trillion words from public dialog data and other web documents. LaMDA aims to bridge the gap between users and AI systems by understanding and responding to natural language inputs in a more meaningful and context-aware manner.

Key Features

  • Built on the Transformer architecture.
  • Improved conversational skills.
  • Natural and engaging human-like interactions.
  • Context-aware understanding and response.

Use Cases

  • AI chatbots.
  • Virtual assistants.
  • Customer support systems.
  • Language translation applications.
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