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Learn faster with your Youtube AI Buddy



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Date Added: June 6, 2023


SummarizerEducation Assistant

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Ortus is a Chrome Extension that leverages AI technology to offer an engaging video watching experience. With Ortus, users can ask questions related to the video content without pausing the video and receive instant answers and top-notch summaries. Additionally, users can easily transfer important insights to Notion for streamlined note-taking and organization. Ortus is completely free to use and boasts an active Discord community for extra assistance and feedback.

Key Features

  • Real-time Question-Asking: Ask questions related to video content without pausing the video.
  • Real-time Answers: Get accurate and relevant answers to your questions in real-time.
  • High-Quality Summaries: Access comprehensive summaries of video content for quick overviews.
  • Notion Integration: Easily copy key insights, references, and resources to Notion for efficient note-taking and organization.
  • Active Discord Community: Engage with a supportive community for additional support and feedback.

Use Cases

  • People who want to have an interactive and captivating video watching experience
  • Individuals who want to improve their comprehension and retention of video content
  • Professionals who want to extract important insights and references from educational videos
  • Students and researchers who want to efficiently gather and organize information from video resources
  • Ortus uses AI technology to provide real-time answers, high-quality summaries, and seamless note-taking integration to revolutionize the way we engage with video content.
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