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Build micro-apps with natural language.

Paid plans start from $29/mo
Design Assistant
Discord Community

Date Added: May 19, 2023

Further Information

Experience the ease and effectiveness of building apps through "text-to-app" conversion using Pico.

Key Features

  • Describe your app idea in simple language or any other language.
  • Advanced AI capabilities powered by GPT4 interpret the descriptions.
  • The web app is automatically generated by the AI.
  • No need to deal with complex coding or learn intricate app-building frameworks.
  • Technical barriers are eliminated.

Use Cases

  • Entrepreneurs can use Pico to create web apps for their new business ideas and prototypes.
  • Consultants can streamline workflows and automate processes with custom web apps using Pico.
  • Small business owners can enhance customer experiences and provide value-added services through web apps created with Pico.
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