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Raw Query is a data assistant that allows users to interact with their databases using natural language, making it easy to query, add, and update data without the need for complex software or coding knowledge.

Paid plans start from $39/mo

Date Added: July 21, 2023

Further Information

Raw Query is a cutting-edge solution that leverages advanced AI technology to allow users to converse with their databases in a manner similar to interacting with colleagues. It serves as a data aide, streamlining the task of querying, inserting, and modifying data in your database.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Data Assistant: Utilize advanced AI algorithms to interact with your database using natural language.
  • Query Data Easily: Retrieve information from your database by asking questions in plain English.
  • Export Data Effortlessly: Export data as CSV files without the need for complex software or coding.
  • Add New Data Seamlessly: Insert new data into your database, even without a dedicated form.
  • Update Data Conveniently: Modify existing data with ease, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Saves Time and Effort: Streamline database interactions and eliminate the need for complex tools or software.
  • Developer-Friendly: Avoid creating multiple internal apps by using Raw Query as a comprehensive data assistant.
  • Business Intelligence Support: Communicate with your database in a language you understand, eliminating the need for specialized database knowledge.

Use Cases

  • Developers looking for an easy way to interact with databases without building internal tools
  • Business intelligence professionals seeking a user-friendly way to query, export, and update data without extensive database knowledge
  • Teams and individuals needing to quickly retrieve, export, or modify data in their databases without navigating complex software
  • Users wanting to streamline database interactions with natural language commands to save time and enhance productivity
  • Raw Query simplifies querying, adding, and updating data in databases, eliminating the need for complex tools or specialized database knowledge.
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