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Assisted programming in JupyterLab.


Date Added: May 25, 2023

Further Information

Roboweb is an outstanding AI assistant that aims to improve exploratory programming by integrating OpenAI's ChatGPT seamlessly into JupyterLab.

Key Features

  • Roboweb offers seamless integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT within JupyterLab for a unified programming experience.
  • Multiple installation options are available, including Docker, pip, or Kubernetes, catering to different user preferences.
  • User accounts can be created or signed in to store and retrieve chat history for future reference.
  • OpenAPI key storage is secure, with the key safely stored in the browser's local storage without transmitting it to Roboweb's servers.
  • Error detection and assistance is available, with automatic detection and solutions offered for errors in code cells, making troubleshooting easier.

Use Cases

  • Seamlessly integrate an AI assistant within JupyterLab to engage in exploratory programming.
  • Utilize Roboweb's automatic error detection and assistance to quickly fix errors in code cells.
  • Revolutionize exploratory programming with the seamless integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT within JupyterLab.
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