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Social GPT

AI tool for social media: AI Detector and Comment generator

Screenshot of Social GPT - AI tool for social media: AI Detector and Comment ...



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Date Added: May 15, 2023


Social Media

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What is Social GPT?

Presenting the Social GPT Chrome Extension - an efficient and cost-free solution crafted to detect AI-generated posts on social media and produce comments in diverse formats.

Key Features and Benefits

  • The Social GPT Chrome Extension allows users to generate AI comments for posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Users can choose from different comment styles, including "Normal","Smart","Positive","Negative" or "Troll" and the tool works in any language.
  • The extension uses advanced algorithms to analyze the content of posts and provide instant feedback on the authenticity of a post.
  • It scans the text to determine if it was written by a human or generated by AI, offering a confidence score for convenience.
  • The tool is perfect for social media users, researchers, and journalists who want to ensure the authenticity of posts and make their social media interactions more engaging and unique.
  • Enhance your social media experience and ensure the authenticity of the content you interact with using the Social GPT Chrome Extension.

Use Cases

  • Ideal for individuals who use social media, researchers, and journalists who want to verify the credibility of posts.
  • Suitable for those who want to add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to their social media interactions.
  • Elevate your social media experience and verify the authenticity of the content you engage with using the Social GPT Chrome Extension.
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