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Segment people & places based on social, mobile & web activity

$ 53/mo
Social Media

Date Added: January 11, 2023

Further Information

Spatial's social media segmentation system is a powerful tool that allows businesses to predict and influence customer behavior in real-time. This platform provides segmentation of people based on their social, mobile, and web activity, as well as segmentation of places based on the type and velocity of social activity in proximity to a location.

With this tool, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor their marketing strategies and improve customer engagement. By analyzing social media activity, businesses can identify trends and patterns in customer behavior, such as which products or services are most popular, what types of content customers engage with, and what times of day they are most active on social media.

In addition to customer segmentation, this platform also provides location-based segmentation, allowing businesses to analyze social activity in proximity to their physical locations. This can be particularly useful for businesses with brick-and-mortar stores, as it can help them understand the social activity in their area and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

Overall, Spatial is a valuable tool for businesses looking to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and improve their marketing strategies. With its real-time analysis and powerful segmentation capabilities, this platform can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and drive growth and success.

Key Features

  • Real-time analysis of customer behavior and preferences
  • Segmentation of people based on social, mobile, and web activity
  • Segmentation of places based on social activity in proximity to a location
  • Location-based segmentation for businesses with physical locations
  • Identification of trends and patterns in customer behavior

Use Cases

  • Marketing agencies looking to target specific demographics for their clients
  • E-commerce companies seeking to personalize their marketing efforts and increase sales
  • Social media management companies wanting to provide more targeted and effective social media strategies for their clients
  • Event planners looking to understand the social activity and interests of attendees in real-time
  • Retail businesses wanting to analyze foot traffic and social activity in their physical locations to improve customer experience and sales.
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