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Stable Diffusion Webgpu

Stable Diffusion Webgpu

Web-based application that enables users to generate images using the create-react-app framework

Open Source
No Signup Required

Date Added: August 11, 2023

Further Information

The Stable Diffusion WebGPU Demo is a cutting-edge web application that utilizes the create-react-app framework to enable users to effortlessly create images. To use the application, users only need to activate JavaScript and use the most recent version of Chrome with the "Experimental WebAssembly" and "Experimental WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI)" flags turned on.

Key Features

  • A web-based application for generating images using the create-react-app framework
  • User-friendly interface for easy control of the image generation process
  • Optimized inference steps for efficient image generation
  • Utilizes the CPU-based UNET model for superior performance and accuracy
  • Compatible with DevTools for optimization of the image generation process
  • Cached model files to avoid repetitive downloads

Use Cases

  • Generate images for different purposes and explore the outcomes using Stable Diffusion WebGPU Demo.
  • Showcase the capabilities of image generation by using the application.
  • Create images with ease using the intuitive interface and efficient processes offered by Stable Diffusion WebGPU Demo.
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