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System Pro

System Pro

System Pro

AI-Powered Research Search Tool for Health and Life Sciences


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Tool Info

Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: May 14, 2023




System Pro, created by System Inc., is an AI-driven search tool that aids researchers in discovering and comprehending pertinent scientific literature, with a particular emphasis on health and life sciences.

Key Features

  • Utilizes advanced NLP algorithms to accurately understand user queries and provide relevant search results
  • Saves time by quickly identifying key publications and filtering out irrelevant or outdated research materials
  • Offers customizable search settings, allowing users to filter by domain, topic, publication, author, and other criteria
  • Provides advanced analysis features such as citation analysis, article clustering, and topic modeling to identify trends, patterns, and relationships in research materials

Use Cases

  • Accelerate the search for health and life sciences literature.
  • Boost research precision with NLP algorithms that match search intent.
  • Save time and energy by identifying key publications and avoiding outdated or irrelevant materials.
  • Enhance comprehension and application of research findings with effective synthesis and contextualization features.
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