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Transform cluttered screenshots into insightful knowledge with AI-powered Trickle.


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Tool Info

Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: January 30, 2023



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Trickle is a screenshot management tool that uses GPT-4 to provide insightful summaries and organize your captures. It offers effortless retrieval and semantic search capabilities, allowing you to easily browse and interact with your saved screenshots. With Trickle, you can extract valuable insights, identify crucial information within diagrams, and digitize handwritten notes. It streamlines the management of your screenshots, turning them into a source of knowledge.

Key Features

  • Valuable insights can be uncovered from screenshots using the Extract Insights feature.
  • The Diagram Clarity feature allows for the identification and highlighting of crucial information within diagrams.
  • Handwritten notes can be digitized and converted into digital text using the Digitize Handwritten Notes feature.
  • The Effortless Search feature enables quick location of specific screenshots when needed.
  • Detailed and semantic results can be obtained by asking AI using the Semantic Queries feature.

Use Cases

  • Professionals who need to extract insights from screenshots
  • Students who want to organize and digitize handwritten notes
  • Researchers who need to identify and highlight crucial information within diagrams
  • Anyone who wants to declutter their camera roll and keep screenshots neatly organized
  • Individuals who frequently use screenshots and need an effortless way to search and retrieve specific captures
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