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Tweet Hunter

Tweet Hunter

Grow your Twitter audience and monetize it

Free Trial
Paid plans start from $49/mo.
Social Media

Date Added: November 30, 2022

Further Information

Users can choose from a variety of popular Twitter accounts and create tweets with similar content and style using the tool.

Key Features

  • AI-powered tweet generation: Generate tweets with the same tone and topic as any selected Twitter account.
  • Content inspiration: Get ideas for new tweets based on the style of popular Twitter accounts.
  • Scheduling and automation: Plan and schedule tweets for optimal engagement.
  • Analytics: Monitor tweet performance and adjust strategy accordingly.
  • CRM features: Efficiently manage Twitter audience and interactions.

Use Cases

  • Create engaging and relevant content to grow your Twitter audience
  • Attract sales and expand your network to monetize your Twitter presence
  • Maintain a consistent tone and style to enhance your brand image
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