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Detection and revision of offensive tweets.

Social Media
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Date Added: June 2, 2023

Further Information

CANCELED GPT is a third-party artificial intelligence tool that allows Twitter users to search for and modify potentially offensive tweets on their profile. This tool assists users in maintaining a positive online presence by eliminating harmful or problematic language and offers options to modify, delete, or reveal tweets as necessary.

Key Features

  • The Tweet Search feature allows users to search for potentially offensive tweets on their Twitter profile.
  • Trending Searches provides a list of popular searches to identify common problematic language.
  • Date Range Selection allows users to choose a specific date range for the tweet search to thoroughly review past tweets.
  • Users can revise or delete potentially harmful tweets to modify the language or remove them entirely.
  • The Expose Tweets feature allows users to hold themselves or others accountable by demonstrating personal growth and learning.

Use Cases

  • Individuals who want to ensure their online presence is free of offensive or harmful content
  • Social media users committed to maintaining a positive and inclusive online environment
  • Users looking to revise or delete past tweets with potentially problematic language
  • Individuals who want to hold themselves or others accountable for their language and behavior on social media
  • CanceledGPT is an AI tool that empowers users to review and revise their tweets to align with positive values.
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