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DB Pilot

DB Pilot

AI assistant for your SQL needs

starts from $59
Mobile App

Date Added: May 19, 2023

Further Information

DB Pilot is a contemporary database graphical user interface (GUI) that incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) to provide an extensive array of functionalities aimed at simplifying and optimizing SQL operations.

Key Features

  • AI-enhanced SQL operations: Simplify SQL queries, conversion, and explanation with the help of an AI assistant.
  • Embedded DuckDB instance: Query different file formats and store results without affecting the production database.
  • Database support: Currently supports PostgreSQL with plans for MySQL and SQLite support.
  • Flexible data management: Easily filter tables, join different data formats, and query remote files.

Use Cases

  • AI-powered assistance simplifies SQL operations and boosts productivity.
  • Manage and query different file formats without impacting the production database.
  • PostgreSQL databases can be efficiently handled, with plans to expand support to other databases.
  • Data privacy is ensured while taking advantage of AI capabilities in DB Pilot.
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