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Maximize your data value with Serverless HTAP + AI and AI-Generated SQL.

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$ 97/mo.
Developer Tools

Date Added: March 13, 2023

Further Information

TiDB Cloud is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the deployment, management, and maintenance of TiDB clusters. With this platform, users can easily control their TiDB clusters through an intuitive console, making it easier to build mission-critical applications. TiDB Cloud is a fully managed cloud instance that allows users to deploy on Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, providing flexibility and convenience. This platform is designed to streamline the process of managing TiDB clusters, making it easier for users to focus on their core business objectives. With TiDB Cloud, users can enjoy a hassle-free experience when it comes to managing their TiDB clusters, allowing them to focus on what really matters - building great applications.

Key Features

  • Simplifies deployment, management, and maintenance of TiDB clusters
  • Fully managed cloud instance
  • Deploy on Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud
  • Streamlines the process of managing TiDB clusters
  • Hassle-free experience in managing TiDB clusters
  • Distributed Architecture: TiDB has a flexible and elastic scalability, allowing it to handle large workloads by distributing data across multiple nodes.
  • MySQL Compatibility: TiDB is fully compatible with the MySQL 5.7 protocol, syntax, and common features. This means you can migrate your applications to TiDB without changing any code in many cases.
  • High Availability: TiDB supports automatic failover, ensuring high availability even when a minority of replicas fail. This feature is transparent to applications.
  • ACID Transactions: TiDB supports ACID transactions, making it suitable for scenarios that require strong consistency, such as bank transfers.
  • Data Migration Tools: TiDB provides a rich set of data migration tools for migrating, replicating, or backing up data.
  • Fast and Customized Scaling: TiDB allows for elastic and transparent scaling to hundreds of nodes, enabling you to scale your performance and storage nodes separately according to your business needs.
  • TiDB Serverless: TiDB Cloud offers a fully managed, multi-tenant TiDB Serverless option. It provides an instant, autoscaling MySQL-compatible database with a generous free tier and consumption-based billing.
  • TiDB Dedicated: TiDB Cloud also offers TiDB Dedicated for production use. It provides cross-zone high availability, horizontal scaling, and HTAP (Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing) capabilities.

Use Cases

  • Online transaction processing (OLTP) Allows handling high volumes of transactions/sec for services like e-commerce platforms.
  • Real-time analytics Enables running complex analytical queries on the same dataset used in transactional workloads.
  • Hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP) Combines OLTP and analytics capabilities to speed insights from business data.
  • E-commerce platforms Necessitate massive database throughput to support traffic surges during sales periods.
  • Financial institutions Depend on reliable, scalable database infrastructure to underpin services and transactions.
  • Gaming companies Require performance to server large concurrent user bases across global regions.
  • Internet companies Continually expand user/content volumes, making a distributed database a must to keep pace with growth.
  • Healthcare organizations that need to store and process large amounts of patient data securely and efficiently
  • SaaS companies that want to focus on their core business and outsource database management to a trusted provider.
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